Digital Faces it's my new digital installation and it's exposed at the Museo della Scienza of Napoli until the end of january. The theme pf Digital Faces is the intersection between beauty and identity, digital beauty and digital identity; on second life I found an incredible platform where thousands of human experiments it. The idea of beauty on second life comes from the classic idea of beauty, the idea of beauty that we find in the Metamorphosis of Ovidio: the actors of Second Life are half human and half animals, can wear wings, can be transformed into fire. What is the classic ideal of beauty? Salvatore Settis says that the "Classic" is the reinterpretation of the classic, let's say, with a contemporary words, the remix. So, on second life, on virtual wordls in general, we assist to remixes of the old idea of beauty, remixes that most of the times surprise for the interesting results. My works Digital Faces are an investigation through Second Life on the remix of classic beauty in the digital worlds.